
Hi everyone! My name is Mikayla, and I’m a 20 year old girl from the wilds of the Midwest. My life is busy and crazy just like yours, and I love books, just like you. I really like sharing that love with friends- and finding 5-star reads to recommend to others. My goal with this, my second blog, is to write up quick, short reviews that won’t take up too much of anyone’s time, and that will give you an easy idea of whether you want to pick up books or not. This isn’t about Advanced Reader Copies or only the newest books- these are every random book I decide to read or even ones I’ve read before. Sometimes I might throw in an aesthetic collage for a book that inspired me, but I’ll always add a photo (and maybe a recipe link to!) the cupcake you should be eating while you read it! I hope everyone will enjoy this blog for what it is, and it’ll stay fun and light! Find me on twitter at this link, or on Goodreads right here.

I also had a blog previously that is now inactive, and I blogged there (www.getabookmark.wordpress.com) for about 1.5 years. Here’s the link- there are a lot of different types of posts, reviews, and other fun things I just couldn’t keep up with. Some of those reviews may come over to this site eventually, but in a shortened form- and with a cupcake, of course!